
As experts in real estate, we know it’s not enough to be familiar with the housing market. We also have to look at the specific needs of our partners and key factors likely to influence their ability to secure homes. In this post, we focus on three trends for HCBS providers to keep an eye...
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Experts predict an economic slowdown in 2019, with the housing market creating a drag on the economy. Given past real estate trends, an anticipated increase in housing prices, and a possible rise in mortgage rates, we may continue to see increased demand for housing in a decreasing supply-driven market. Providers looking for residential homes in...
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For providers, finding the perfect property can sometimes feel like searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack. Properties can be plentiful or scarce, the process often takes more time than anticipated, and the layout of the home could be the difference between “almost there” and “just right.” In this post, we take a look at...
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A significant change in population demographics will have an impact on healthcare services in fewer than 10 years. As both the general population of elderly and individuals with I/DD rise, the preference for home- and community-based care settings will likely increase as well. This means providers may need to consider boosting person-centered approaches to care...
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If your company has made the decision to lease, rather than own, your community-based home(s), you likely understand the importance of having a solid and open relationship with your landlord. Some providers are fortunate enough to be working with an amazing local landlord … but many don’t have such luck. How does your experience measure...
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